Brigitte Ouvry-Vial
New READ-IT video is out !
The consortium is very happy to announce the release of a video summarizing the outcomes and future developments of READ-IT. Follow this link to watch the video.
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READ-IT at SHARP 2022 (11-15 July)!
After more than two years of online meetings, the READ-IT team finally reunited in Amsterdam for the annual meeting of SHARP, devoted this year to “The power of the written world”. The round-table at SHARP gave the consortium a chance to discuss premises, outcomes and future developments of READ-IT. The team also presented a brand…
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Publication announcement : a new article by Brigitte Ouvry-Vial and Nathalie Richard tests the potential of the READ-IT annotation tool
An article by consortium leader Brigitte Ouvry-Vial and Nathalie Richard (Le Mans Université) was published in a special issue of Knygotyra. Knygotyra is a scholarly journal publishing interdisciplinary works on the book and digital media culture. Follow these links to get access to the English and Lithuanian version of the special issue. The article discusses…
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Interview about READ-IT and reading emotions
Project leader Brigitte Ouvry-Vial and Elena Prat, whose PhD project is co-sponsored by READ-IT, were interviewed about their research work on reading emotions. In this interview to the magazine Décryptage, they discuss the impact of reading and reading emotions on decision-making processes, especially in times of collective or personal uncertainty. The interview, in French, is…
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Brigitte Ouvry-Vial and Francois Vignale interviewed by euradio
In an interview with French radio chain euradio, Brigitte Ouvry-Vial and Francois Vignale have introduced LEXILECT, a continuation of the READ-IT programme which is currently being carried out at the lab 3L.AM at Le Mans University, with the support of Alliance Europa and MSH Ange Guépin. LEXILECT aims to build a thesaurus of reading experiences…
Read moreNew blogpost on READ-IT
Plug in labs, a French platform devoted to improve knowledge of the innovative potential of academic research in Brittany and Pays de la Loire, has recently published a blogpost about READ-IT. In the blogpost, Brigitte Ouvry-Vial, François Vignale and Guillaume Gravier discuss the main features and aims of the annotation interface which will be available…
Read moreEvent news: The Future and the Past of Reading (18.11.2021), Milano, Italy
READ-IT members will take part in a workshop, ‘The Future and the Past of Reading. New Research Methods for new Perspectives’ [Il futuro e il passato della lettura. Nuovi metodi d’indagine per nuove prospettive] at the Università degli Studi di Milano, Italy, on Thursday 18 November 2021 (14.30-16.00 CET). Speakers at the event include Alessio…
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Event news: Nantes Science Festival (France)
On the 9th and 10th October 2021, Brigitte Ouvry-Vial, François Vignale and Elena Prat (Le Mans University) will present READ-IT at the Nantes Science Festival (France). In the course of the event, the public will be invited to test the READ-IT annotation interface and to contribute to the project through short interviews, by filling in…
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Publication news: “Reconnecting with the evolving journey of reading” (July 2021)
In “Reconnecting with the evolving journey of reading”, READ-IT project PI Prof Brigitte Ouvry-Vial (Le Mans University) and READ-IT team member Dr Alessio Antonini (The Open University) reflect on the novelty, innovation and lessons learned through the project. The article is published in the recently funded Cultural Practice Magazine, and provides an historical overview about…
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Annual SHARP conference ‘Moving Texts: From Discovery to Delivery’ (26-30.07.2021)
The Society for the History of Authorship, Reading and Publishing (SHARP) will meet virtually in Münster, Germany, from July 26 to 30, 2021. Over 400 delegates will be attending to discuss research in the field of book history, broadly understood. The theme of this year’s annual conference “Moving Texts: From Discovery to Delivery” has inspired…
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