READ-IT French chatbot launched (05.02.2021); Le Mans conference (31.03-02.04.2021)
The READ-IT project team are delighted to announce the launch of the French version of our chatbot, ahead of the “Voisins” conference at Le Mans Université, 31 March to 2 April 2021. The chatbot can be accessed via the web or through the Telegram app. Thanks in particular to Elena Prat (Le Mans, France) and…
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Transmedia Beyond Definitions
The UK team members Francesca Benatti and Alessio Antonini are organizing the workshop “Transmedia Beyond Definitions” to bootstrap a cross-disciplinary discussion on the emerging practices of cross-media reading and authoring. The CfP is open for a number of contributions ranging from research papers, vision papers to flash talks. The submission deadline is February 5th 2021,…
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The UK Reading Experience Database (UK-RED) is a pioneering project collecting reading experiences, for over 20 years. On 4 January 2021, the UK team of READ-IT released a new version of the UK-RED data including a documented ontology and mappings with the READ-IT Reading Experience Ontology and Crowdsourcing Experience Ontology and the CIDOC-CRM implementation of…
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Circuits, Cycles, Configurations: an Interaction Model of Web Comics
In November 2020, Francesca Benatti and Alessio Antonini from the UK team of READ-IT, with Sam Brooker of the Richmond University of London, presented a new paper on Webcomics at the International Conference on Interactive Digital Storytelling (ICIDS2020). The paper “Circuits, Cycles, Configurations: an Interaction Model of Web Comics” discusses the role of non-diegetic interactions…
Read moreCora Krömer dissertation defence 14.12.2020
We’re pleased to announce Cora Krömer’s dissertation defence, 14 December 2020, on reading testimonies on social networks. Here is her abstract: Digital technology is transforming the production, circulation and reception of written culture. These changes provide an opportunity to examine reading practices, whose decline is regularly deplored, and the pivotal moment in HSS–new objects, terrains…
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‘Reading in the Pandemic’ recordings now available
The READ-IT team were pleased to host the event ‘Reading in the Pandemic’, on 18 November, for the Being Human Festival. We enjoyed a great turnout for the online event, which took the form of three distinct parts. The recordings for each part are now available to view on the SAS Youtube channel, simply click…
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Language toggle function now available on the Contribution Portal
The READ-IT team are continually exploring new ways to talk to readers across the world. It is with great pleasure that we introduce the language toggle function on our public Contribution Portal. Find our Portal here: You can contribute images, as well as text to it, about your reading experiences, memories, and habits, visiting the portal…
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READ-IT launches its friendly chatbot
Fancy having a chat about your reading in realtime? Now you can, with the project chatbot. Our friendly bot will ask you questions about your reading, interact with your answers, and suggest further reading and engagement opportunities. You can find the READ-IT chatbot on the Telegram platform: If you’d like to download the Telegram app…
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Twitter Takeover for Book City Milano 11-15.11.2020
We’re very excited that our Italian social media champion Camilla Antonioni is taking over the @eureadit Twitter account for @BOOKCITYMILANO 11-15 November 2020. Follow our Twitter account for updates! Meet Camilla here:, and follow her on Twitter through @camiantonioni
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New French social media champion, Elena Prat, joins the team (28.10.2020)
The READ-IT team is delighted to announce that Elena Prat (pictured above) has joined us as our new French social media champion, from October 2020. She will be tweeting and re-tweeting in French about the project and our public engagement events. Elena writes: “I have a background in comparative literary studies and publishing and a…
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