READ-IT at the Frankfurter Buchmesse/ Frankfurt Book Fair
READ-IT project team members Dr. Corinna Norrick-Rühl (JGU Mainz) and Dr. George Ioannidis (IN2) will be presenting ‘READ-IT: Leseerfahrungen digital erfahrbar machen’ / ‘READ-IT: Reading experiences digitally experienceable’ at the ‘Studium rund ums Buch’ stage, Frankfurter Buchmesse (Frankfurter Buchmesse GmbH, Braubachstraße 16, 60311 Frankfurt am Main, Deutschland). The presentation will take place on Thursday 17th October, 16.00-17.00, but during the day they can be found at Hall 4.1/A89, where they will be asking book fair delegates to contribute to the READ-IT portal. If you’d like to contribute, but can’t make it to Frankfurt, you can add content here